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SelectGlobal, LLC 

Newsletter | December 2024


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Reflections and Connections:
Message of Gratitude and Best Wishes

As the year comes to a close, I find myself reflecting on the months past, filled with a deep sense of gratitude. It is with sincere appreciation that I extend my heartfelt thanks to you—my esteemed clients, valued friends, and respected colleagues. This year has been unlike any other, marked by challenges that tested our resilience and moments that highlighted our collective strength.

As we approach the new year, I am optimistic about what the future holds and am committed to continuing our journey together with renewed vigor. 

Thank you once again for being an integral part of this journey. Here’s to celebrating our achievements and embracing the adventures that lie ahead in 2025. 

Michael Edgar,

CEO, SelectGlobal, LLC


Event Recaps


2024 Nostalgia: A Year of Unforgettable Highlights

From groundbreaking technological innovations to profound shifts in global dynamics, 2024 offered a rich tapestry of experiences that shaped the world we know today. This year of nostalgia invites us to revisit the past and extract valuable lessons and inspiration for the future. Let's take a step back and revisit SelectGlobal's 2024 highlights.


FDI Blog Chain Series Update by SelectGlobal, LLC

This year, we introduced SelectGlobal's FDI Chain Blog Series, titled “How to Invest Locally and Internationally: Your FDI Roadmap - The Ultimate Guide to Investing in the USA.” This comprehensive series aims to provide invaluable insights and guidance on navigating the complexities of foreign direct investment, both within the United States and globally. Whether you are a seasoned investor or just starting out, this series promises to equip you with the knowledge you need to make informed investment decisions.

To get the complete list of this blog series, check this out: FDI Chain Blog Series Table of Contents.

Stay tuned for more informative topics in our FDI Series! 

Visit our SelectGlobal Blog Site for the latest updates.


As the festive season approaches, SelectGlobal extends our warmest wishes for a joyous holiday. Our team will be on a holiday break to recharge and celebrate the season. We will resume operations on January 2, 2025, ready to begin the new year with exciting projects and collaborations. 

May this holiday season bring you peace, joy, and prosperity.

Why SelectGlobal?

SelectGlobal, LLC provides foreign direct investment (FDI) solutions.

Our mission is to bring together all parties to assemble new ventures, projects, and use foreign direct investment as a tool to help rebuild and redevelop communities. Our vertically integrated FDI platform helps businesses identify and take advantage of global market opportunities and helps local municipalities attract foreign direct investment.

Our team boasts a wealth of expertise spanning diverse industries, sectors, and regions, enabling us to offer strategic insights, guidance, and effective solutions to our clients. However, our true strength lies in our extensive business and government relationships, not only in the United States, but also across the globe.

Are you ready to unlock the potential of global markets? Let us help you identify global opportunities, enter new markets, and make a positive impact on local economies. Let's work together to build a brighter future for your business and the communities that you'll support.

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